The award is held as part of the World Charity Forum in order to highlight the maximum number of projects, developments, and achievements within the industry, and promote charity and philanthropy.
Date of the ceremony 28 of December, 2023
The World Charity Forum Board of Trustees is approved by the President of the Forum and consists of 15 people. By selecting applications, the Board of Trustees votes for candidates for the Prize. Any company has the right to participate in nominations by applying according to the rules on the website until 01 of december, 2023.
The composition of the Board of Trustees is published on WWW.WORLDCHARITYFORUM.COM
The Council serves as the award jury and selects the finalists for the award, and participates in the award ceremony.
Nominee companies submit their candidacy on the website, except for invited nominees;
Companies can participate in various nominations if they comply with the rules of participation;
Completed application and additional materials, according to the rules of participation need to be sent to the Board of Trustees at Award@worldcharityforum.com;
After the application check, it is placed in the block "NOMINATIONS".
The World Charity Award winners will receive a limited edition WCF statuette;
Winners have the right to use the World Charity Forum logo on their advertising media.
The award is held as part of the World Charity Forum in order to highlight the maximum number of projects, developments
and achievements of the industry and promoting charity and philanthropy.
Дата проведения церемонии:
18 февраля 2019 года.
Date of the ceremony: February 2022
The Board of Trustees of the World Charity Forum is approved by the President of the Forum, the council consists of 15 people. The Board of Trustees has the right to vote and by selection of applications a vote is taken of candidates for the Prize. Any company has the right to participate in nominations by submitting an application according to the rules on the site (link to the window to submit an application) in the established form until 01 January 2022.
The composition of the Board of Trustees is published on WWW.WORLDCHARITYFORUM.RU.
The Council serves as the Prize Jury and selects the finalists for the prize, and also participates in the award ceremony.
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